WELS Exchange Hub
Quality Initiatives
WELS is customizable in design and function allowing partners to manage quality initiatives including QRIS and other CQI efforts. The unique ability to capture a wide array of program supports and funding sources in one place makes WELS the ultimate solution for all mixed delivery data systems.

Complete QRIS management package
a QRIS Story
Training and support for Continuous Quality Improvement
redefined as CAPEL: Continuous Appropriate Practices for Early Learning
Access by roles (Administrator, Manager, Coach, Assessor)
Track funding supports
program incentives, scholarships, grants
Program assessment tools and ratings
Checklists and monitoring tools customizable to program standards
licensing, state QRIS systems, EHS and HS
Quality Improvement Plans aligned with SMART goals
Activity Logs
Coordinate coaching/TA and other services
Develop and track action plans
Child Developmental Screening
Ages and Stages
Assessments VINS capable for offline completion